5 Bloggers Who Started a Blog in 2017 and Survived

Posted By Ngahuia Galligan 27th of December 2017 Start a Blog  0 Comments


When you start a blog, you understandably america phone number look for advice from experts to help get you started. You look at countless blogs in your niche – ones that have probably been going for a while and enjoying various types of success.

It can be quite overwhelming, and sets you up for the comparison game and ‘perfection paralysis’ – not wanting to hit publish until your blog looks perfect.

Just recently we asked the ProBlogger Community to submit their stories of starting a blog, and their tips for those  considering starting a blog in 2018. We received so many stories, some of which have been published on the ProBlogger podcast.

Today we’re sharing stories of those still in the early stages of starting a blog who haven’t forgotten those early frustrations, and have tips that might help you at at the start of your blogging journey.

We’ve summarised their responses below, and included a link to their recordings (mp3 files) so you can download and listen to them in full.

Real Life Minimalism – Roshni F. Ghandi (May 2017)


Roshni is a lawyer and entrepreneur who discovered the importance of having systems in her personal life and business. It  inspired her to start her blog Real Life Minimalism in May 2017 so she could help others.

Summary of Roshni’s Start a Blog Story

Hindsight: Roshni was grateful she took updated 2024 mobile phone number data the time to understand the technology and tools such as WordPress.


updated 2024 mobile phone number data

Thanks so much for listening. This is Какво представляват информационните и търговски заявки за търсене? the fifth episode in this little series. We’ve had a range of bloggers now. A nutritionist today, we’ve had a DIY blogger, we’ve had finance bloggers, we’ve had tech bloggers. A variety of bloggers there already.

That’s five in total that we’ve done so far. We have another seven to come. We are gonna take a little break for Christmas now so this is the last episode before Christmas and before the New Year. I did wanna pause at this point and just wish you all a happy holidays, a happy time of celebration if you are celebrating. I really hope that it is a happy time. A peaceful time, and a time where you are able to find some rest but also some inspiration for the year ahead. I really look forward to being a part of your 2018.

This podcast will be back on the first of January. We will be getting back. Into this series on the first of January and that week we’ll . Be doing another five blogger.  Stories and the following week. We’ll do two more before we launch the Start.


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