Comparison of CMS for a website – which system to choose

The right choice of CMS for a commercial platform is the basis for successful search engines and economical use of resources for website maintenance. It is also a guarantee of the absence of various problems due to dirty code and inconsistency of the platform functionality with the tasks of the resource.

Traditionally, it is believed that a well-chosen

basis for a small commercial email data  project is a blank, a piece of code that contains the maximum amount of what is useful for existing tasks and the minimum amount of what is unnecessary.

And the right choice of engine for a large-scale commercial project implies the absence of restrictions for refinement and development, i.e. for opening new directions in business. And only a non-commercial project is most often more profitable to do on a template, even if it is not absolute.

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it is very easy to become a hostage of the thinking “I want the coolest site, not the most effective”, “I want to brag to my friends and enemies about how beautiful my site is”. Stop! Even the most beautiful design can harm the site.

However, as several content strategy for social media directions for different tasks developed, it became clear that such an approach limits the possibilities of rapid changes, i.e. leads to the creation of inflexible systems. And in the case of large-scale commercial projects, they are also very expensive to maintain.

That is why today commercial cmo email list companies use the familiar Bitrix or WordPress less and less. And more and more often pure headless CMS, and non-commercial no-code website builders. Let’s take a closer look at what this is and how the new solutions differ from the previous ones.

No-code website builders are a software development framework that allows you to create a website using user interface tools. That is, the code is using menus accessible to everyone, usually by dragging and dropping elements with the mouse. The builders allow even technically untrained people to create high-quality, functional websites. But there is one big “but” to this approach.

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