Marketing profitability: the guide to boosting your ROI

Tick ​​tock… The end of the year is approaching. And it’s already time to think about your marketing strategy for 2024. In fact, you may have already prepared the ground. Define new marketing objectives? OK. Define the marketing budget ? OK… Or almost.

For many B2B marketers, it is

difficult to convince their email data management to invest in marketing. The (false) arguments that complicate the exchanges? “Marketing is a cost center, not a profit center”. “It is just communication, we can manage without a budget”. “We have other priorities, we will see next year”.

All these preconceived ideas harm the

email data

profitability of the company. Because marketing is a channel of the future, to drive growth. It is even the best ally in times of crisis . So, what if we changed things right now… For the better, for more profitability?
Too many companies track these performances with small, separate software programs, by multiplying their subscriptions: a form tool on the left, an e-mailing tool on the right… And in the center, the data is scattered!

To better visualize the profitability wordcamp managua 2019  of marketing actions, the ideal is to pool this monitoring on an all-in-one software. Like Plezi: it is the only B2B digital marketing software you need, to manage your marketing and centralize your data. The implementation is easy, the use is simple and the ROI is fast. For your content, forms, landing pages, workflows, newsletters… And to analyze your performance from complete dashboards, don’t spread yourself too thin.

And don’t wait until next year to chleads take action : the best time to track and analyze past actions, and then define the new future action plan… is now. The sooner you do it, the better.
‘s a common mistake: putting all your budget and resources into acquisitions. Thinking that this is the key to profitability for the company.

So, yes: generating leads is good. But don’t waste all your resources on leads that aren’t ready to buy! In B2B, 73% of the leads generated are not yet mature and qualified . Worse: it is even considered that 4 out of 5 marketing leads will never become customers. The reason? These contacts are not engaged by companies.

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