Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Posted By Stacey Roberts 18th of February 2017 Pro Blogging News  0 Comments


This week is all about writing (and writing lots), getting your SEO right, and decluttering your online life. Enjoy!

5 Writing Techniques that Stir Your Audience to Action | Copyblogger

Emotion, Emotion, Emotion is the new Location, Location, Location. If we’re not getting our audience to feel, how are they going to be motivated to engage?

The Four Essential Qualities You Need for Freelance Writing Success (and How to Develop Them) | Aliventures

Whether you have a side hustle freelancing updated 2024 mobile phone number data or it’s your main source of income, success often only comes after a lot of hard work. Ali gives us the lowdown on the absolute foundations of making it as a freelancer: and it all starts with self-confidence.

This SEO Checklist = 48.7% More Organic Traffic [Case Study] | Backlinko

Wouldn’t you like to increase your traffic cmb directory  by almost half? Well get ready to make tons of notes and a firm to-do list… I shudder to think how many of my images are missing alt text, but I’m chipping away at them over time. These are easy strategies that just take a bit of focus from you.

5 tips for writing a great blog post for your event | Eventbrite

Do you hold events? Do you write event wrap-ups? Perhaps you go to a blogger conference or meetup, or some kind of workshop or gathering? These tips will be helpful.

8 Awesome Ways to Declutter Your Digital Marketing Life | Search Engine Journal

Much is being made of spring cleaning in the Northern Hemisphere, and that goes for your online life too. What needs cleaning, updating, removing, or general tidying up?

5 Ways to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Performance | Social Media Examiner

When it comes to social media success, it’s crucial to know what’s working and what’s not. Where do you start? Well, you can try this post!

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Top WordPress Plugins Every Site Should Have | Yoast

Which ones are you missing?

3 Effective Ways to Reduce Social Media Overwhelm | Socially Sorted

Reduce the clutter, hone unter moderation versteht man die organisation einer gruppendiskussion mithilfe your focus – Donna leads the way!

How Snapchat Could Bring Back TV’s Golden Age | Fast Company

Channel surfing from your couch? Remember those days? Apparently Snapchat has brought them back, only updated for the digital needs of today.


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