5 Self-taught Coding Learning Websites

Along with the rapid development of the industrial world in Indonesia, coding is one of the promising skills in the future. Learning coding can open up many new opportunities. Because, the world of work is now inseparable from technology and is dominated by technology startups, you know!

For those of you who are interested in studying this field, don’t be confused and afraid. Because, along with the development of technology and the internet, we are more facilitated when we want to learn coding . There are already quite a lot of coding learning websites that you can learn.

So, what are some good coding learning websites for learning? Check out the list below.

What is Coding?

Before knowing the list of recommended websites for learning coding , it’s a good idea to understand coding itself.

Coding is one of the actions in programming that is done by writing code or scripts in a programming language. Using a computer device in entering scripts requires you to follow the syntax rules that apply when doing the coding process .

The syntax rules used depend on the programming language you are using when writing the script. In other words, coding is the activity of telling the computer what to do for you.

Every code that you write will help the com database shop puter to know and understand what you want to do on the computer. As a result, the computer will receive the command and perform the operation according to the command you wrote.

Benefits of Learning to Code

In addition to gaining knowledge about computer programming, there are many benefits you can get when studying on coding learning websites , including:

database shop

1. Creating Applications that are Useful to the Community

Coding learning websites teach you to create applications. That way, when you are good at it, you can create many applications and websites tha t are usefu why we can say that today lead nurturing l for the general public, such as Gojek, Grab, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and several other applications.

In addition, through the application you create, you can contribute to the nation’s economy.

2. Can Work Remotely

By mastering coding , you can work without having to come to the office or the term remote work. This means, you can work anywhere and anytime as long as there is a good internet network.

3. Become a Freelancer

The next benefit of learning on the recommended coding learning site is that you can become a freelancer. Moreover, currently many companies are looking for a freelancer to create applications or websites because the price is cheaper than having to pay employees.

Programming Languages ​​in Coding

Now we will discuss coding programming languages , then we will discuss recommendations for websites to learn coding .

Coding certainly will not be far from programming languages ​​and are even related. Some programming languages ​​that can help you in creating an application or website include:

1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

HTML is a script or markup language that you must learn to learn what coding is . Although some developers consider HTML not to be a programming language, this script language is one of the languages ​​that must be learned before entering other programming languages.

If in the building structure, HTML is like a website framework that is the basis for styling. In addition, this script language also has special tags that must be adjusted so that the browser used by the user is able to read the code and its appearance as expected.

2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is a complementary scripting languag azb directory e to HTML. In CSS, you can set the font type and color used. In addition, you can also set the spacing between paragraphs, set the screen size, set the design layout, and various other website settings that make the website look more attractive and easy to understand by users.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is the most popular programming language and is most widely used by professional web developers. This programming language functions to make websites more interactive.

JavaScript itself is closer to frontend developers. However, as it develops, now backend developers also often use this programming language when creating and developing websites.

Also read: Coding Is: Information, Types, Benefits and Complete Information

Recommended Websites for Learning Coding

For those of you who are interested in a career in programming such as Web Developer or Android Developer, there are many coding learning websites that are suitable to learn. Through this coding learning website , you can learn programming languages ​​that exist in the programming world.

Here are recommendations for coding learning websites that can be used as references.

1. SekolahKoding.com

Coding School carries the theme “Learn coding, starting from zero”. In other words, for those of you who have never known programming before, you can learn at Coding School. There are 1432 programming learning videos that can be accessed from anywhere and anytime by its members.

On this coding learning website , there is also a discussion forum that can be used to interact with fellow members of Sekolah Koding. For those of you who are already good at programming, you can also use the mading feature. On the mading, you can show off your works

2. Coursera

The next coding learning website recommendation is Coursera. On this coding learning site , it is actually not only specifically for coding , but there are also business, mathematics, physics, and many other fields from beginner to advanced levels.

Not only that, this coding learning website also has a job search feature for well-known companies such as Metaverse, Google, IBM, and many others. With a coding course certificate from Coursera, you can use it when applying for a job.

3. JagoCoding.com

Just like its name, you can learn to become a programmer who is good at coding through this coding learning website . In addition to providing programming language tutorials such as Python, Java to Javascript, this coding learning website also provides tutorials for several frameworks such as Laravel and AngularJS.

So, you can continue to upgrade your knowledge about programming languages ​​on this coding learning website . And of course, all the tutorials are written in Indonesian. In addition to being able to log in using email, you can also log in using Facebook. So it’s simpler.

4. edX.com

This coding learning website is an online course site that actually does not focus only on programming. But there are quite complete programming courses, there are Java, Python, and many more. If you successfully complete the learning material on edX, you will get a certificate. Not bad for a portfolio and for applying for a job.

5. W3Schools

The next coding learning website is the W3Schools coding learning site , this site is always the first recommendation for beginners who are just entering the world of programming. There are more than 20 languages ​​provided at W3Schools and most of them are languages ​​for website creation.

To make it easier for users, this coding learning website also provides an online compiler so that you can more easily understand coding materials . Not only courses, W3Schools also provides various quizzes that you can work on.

Recommended Coding Course Places

In addition to coding learning websites , you can also take coding courses to better understand and master them. Well, here are recommendations for coding course places that you can choose.

1. Coding Academy

Koding Akademi is a tutoring center service that focuses on teaching digital skills, such as robotics and coding . In this course, you will be guided to achieve understanding and knowledge especially in the field of science technology or IT which is now one of the most important fields in the digital era.

There are levels provided specifically for learning coding , including:

  • Coding Explorer
  • Game Programming Intermediate
  • Web Design

More information 

2. Coding Champion

Coding Champion is an intensive training program (bootcamp) in the field of web and mobile developers with a curriculum designed to develop skills that can be implemented in current technological developments.

During the bootcamp program at Juara Coding, you will follow several stages of bootcamp learning to become a reliable Web & Mobile Developer , starting from online classes, practice questions, module tests to taking the final test.

More information 

Learn Coding with Danacita

That’s the explanation about coding and coding learning websites . If you are interested in coding courses at the recommended places above, but find it quite burdensome, you can use Danacita education financing as an alternative.

The tuition fee will be covered by Danacita and you can pay it in installments starting from 6 to 24 months so it is much lighter. The reasons why you should pay for college using Danacita are as follows:

  • Transaction security: Danacita has a permit and is supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and is also ISO 27001 certified so that data security is guaranteed.
  • Official partner of Koding Akademi and Juara Coding with tuition fees paid directly to the course.
  • Submission without DP or collateral.
  • The application process is carried out 100% online, maximum 2 working days.
  • Free to make early payments without any additional costs.

If you are interested, just find out more informatio=r if you want to start applying, you can click via the Danacita

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