How to convert currency and other numerical values

The in operator is used for quick conversion. Let’s say you want to convert $150 to euros. The search query would look like this: $150 in euros.

Google search operators can also be used to convert kilograms to pounds, kilometers to miles, etc.

Grouping queries

The () operator allows you to combine special database multiple terms in a single query. It is especially useful when you need to search for multiple options at the same time and clarify the context.

For example, the query (ipad OR iphone) apple will return pages that contain the word apple and one of the two – ipad or iphone. Using Google search operators, you can search for information on both products at once, saving time and getting more relevant results.


Commands for advanced search

special database

Now let’s talk about Google operators that help refine and narrow search results. Using them, you can filter data by various parameters, such as a specific site, file type, presence of certain words, number ranges, and much more. Google advanced search operators are especially useful for SEO specialists, as well as those who work with large amounts of information.

How to find pages of a specific site

The site: operator helps narrow search getting started guide to seo for a new website results to information found on a wordcamp managua 2019 specific site or domain. This is especially useful when you need to find data within official sources or specialized sites. For example, the request research papers filters the results and shows only scientific papers published on the Harvard University website.


How to view the current page cache

To access a cached version, use aqb directory the cache: operator. This helps you access pages that may have changed or been removed. For example, the query cache: will display a cached version of the New York Times home page as it looked the last time Google indexed it.

You may need to use these Google search operators in situations where you need to access information that is no longer available or to analyze changes to a site.

How to find relevant pages

The related: operator helps find sites with similar content. For example, the related: query will return a list of sites similar to LinkedIn. This can be useful for users looking for alternative resources or for analyzing major competitors.

How to find news in a search engine

The Google source operator: is used to search for news from a specific source. For example, the query source:bbc technology news will return results containing only technology news published by the BBC.


Search results on Google Maps

For navigation and travel planning, it is convenient to use the map: command. It displays a map of the specified location. For example, the request map: New York will display a map of New York.

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