HubSpot’s AI Simplifies Marketing

If the term Artificial Intelligence makes you think of Terminator or Blade Runner replicants, you’re not alone. There’s some confusion about what AI is, what it isn’t, and how it can be used. According to Karen Hao, a reporter for the MIT Technology Review,

Artificial intelligence refers to machines that can learn, reason, and act on their own. They can make their own decisions when faced with new situations, just like humans and animals do.

This definition brings to mind another term: machine learning , which Google translates as automatic learning .

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning is the application of algorithms (using statistics) to find patterns in a set of data, and make predictions accordingly.

When Amazon suggests new products, Netflix shows you movies and series that are relevant to your profile, or Spotify suggests new music based on your playlists, they use Artificial Intelligence .
Google also uses an intelligent system to better match your searches, just as voice assistants, such as Siri or Alexa use it to provide the best answers to your questions.
Rideshare apps, such as Uber, use AI to find you the best driver and optimize your route, to get you to your destination as quickly as possible.

AI is already everywhere
These examples demonstrate an important point: You are already interacting with AI in your daily life, even if you didn’t know it. And if you work in marketing, AI is much closer than you think: spam filters and email classification systems, for example, are powered by AI.

AI-Hubspot-TurinThe Intern

So, if you look beyond the sensational headlines surrounding these catchy terms, you find that machine learning is perhaps more like an intern than a Terminator.

An intern who never gets tired or distracted, and always shows up for work on time. They are not necessarily smarter than you, but they are faster and do not make mistakes. They do repetitive tasks very well, even on huge databases, freeing up your time to focus on more important or profitable tasks, optimizing the use of human intelligence.

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HubSpot and AI
HubSpot AI helps you automate marketing at scale, streamlines data management, makes content personalization easy, and powers your favorite HubSpot tools — without adding complexity.

Want to learn more about HubSpot CRM? Read our article ” HubSpot CRM: The Smart Choice for Your Business “.

Let’s look at some tools in detail.

Data cleansing – Data cleaning
Data cleansing is the process you use to keep your data clean. Clean data means: data that is complete, correct, and relevant to your business. If your data is accurate, it allows you to make decisions based on the right and up-to-date information .
A clean database reduces email bounce rates, allows you to better personalize your messages, and makes it easier to automate your marketing processes.

So what does HubSpot do?

Duplicate data is ineffective. Having the same contact logged into your system multiple times means you’re spending more time and resources, especially on large databases. HubSpot helps you prevent this problem by automatically deduplicating contacts entered into your CRM
using a machine learning model that groups contacts based on how similar they are and selects only the closest pairs. When you accept (or merge) and reject (or ignore) a pair of duplicate contacts, you provide feedback to this model, which can then more accurately predict the likelihood of two records being duplicates.

Finally, artificial intelligence is used to detect typos , nicknames, and abbreviations, so you can correct them. Of course, this also works on large databases, with millions of records.

Bottom line: With AI, you can minimize manual data maintenance to deduplicate, record, and enrich contact and company information.

Easy data imports
Easily import contact and company information from spreadsheets, and AI will automatically match each cell to the most relevant HubSpot CRM property.

Content Optimizations with Marketing Hub : The Adaptive Test
If you are in marketing, you have probably heard of A/B testing.
A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a piece of content, one against the other, to determine which one works better. Also called “split testing”, this test presents the two pieces of content (A and B) to users in two groups (50 and 50), and based on the interactions obtained by each group, decides the winner.

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While powerful, A/B testing has two flaws :

The process of choosing the winner, which is country email data manual , is time-consuming (you need to check the results regularly) and demanding.
Half of your visitors may see the unoptimized part of the content and you may miss out on opportunities. Potential customers may not convert because buy lead you are not creating the most appropriate experience for their needs during the test.
The solution? HubSpot’s adaptive testing.

Let’s say you need to test four different pieces of content on a page.

Advantages over traditional A/B testing:

You don’t have to wait to see how users behave before choosing a winner, adaptive testing delivers results much faster.
no manual checking of results
since the distribution is optimized over time, you improve conversion rates already during the testing period
Bottom line: Use machine learning to automatically optimize traffic distribution when testing different variations of a page.

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SEO Tips

Hubspot uses machine learning to give you suggestions on what you should write about in your content. From your main topics to your blog posts, this feature helps you create content that delights your customers, helps you gain credibility in your industry, and even has value in search engines.

Then, refine your content strategy with SEO tools that crawl your website and automatically surface optimization opportunities.

Email and data
Here, “machine learning” prevents an email campaign from damaging your reputation by making you a “Spammer”.

HubSpot does the “heavy lifting” to ensure successful email deliverability, and build meaningful relationships with your prospects and customers, over time, at scale.

Plus, AI helps you record and segment valuable email contact information while minimizing manual data entry and human error.

Call Recording and Transcription

With the help of HubSpot’s AI, you can automatically capture and transcribe conversations, so you have the context you need to close deals faster.

AI tools in the platform: Copilot and AI Agents
These tools are designed to simplify your daily business and help your business grow better.

Content Assistant: Copilot

To reach audiences, leads, and revenue, content is essential, but producing it can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. HubSpot offers an AI Content Assistant , powered by OpenAI GPT technology, to help anyone on your team quickly ideate, create, and share content.

This tool integrates with HubSpot products, allowing you to go from manual to AI-powered creation, generating copy for blog posts, landing pages, marketing emails, and more.

HubSpot’s Content Assistant can help you ideate and create content more efficiently.

Copilot (formerly Chatspot) is a conversational customer relationship management solution that allows sales, marketing, and service professionals to connect to HubSpot to increase their productivity.

Using chat-based commands, you can do many of the same things you do in HubSpot, but faster.

Breeze: AI Agents in HubSpot

HubSpot has introduced Breeze , a suite of AI agents that integrate seamlessly with the platform to further enhance automation and personalization. These intelligent agents handle tasks like data cleansing, contact segmentation, and campaign optimization, working in the background to minimize human error and speed up day-to-day operations.

Learn more about how AI agents like Breeze are integrated into HubSpot

Ultimately, with a variety of AI-powered tools, some that work in the background, and others that work with you to create dynamic experiences, HubSpot achieves one goal: to help you grow better and faster, even with AI.

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