Numbers in Portuguese

A Beginner’s Guide to Numbers in Portuguese

Are you embarking on a thrilling adventure to Portuguese-speaking lands, or simply looking to spice up your language skills? Mastering numbers in Portuguese is an essential first step! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to confidently count, discuss prices, and navigate everyday situations in Portuguese.

Counting Classics: 1, 2, 3…Vamos (Let’s Go)!

Let’s start with the foundation – cardinal numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Here are the numbers 1 to 10 in Portuguese, along with a fun fact:

  • 1 (um/uma): “Um” is used for masculine nouns, while “uma” is used for feminine nouns.
  • 2 (dois/duas): Similar to “um/uma,” “dois” is masculine and “duas” is feminine.
  • 3 (três)
  • 4 (quatro)
  • 5 (cinco)
  • 6 (seis)
  • 7 (sete)
  • 8 (oito)
  • 9 (nove)
  • 10 (dez)

Teen Titans: Tackling Numbers 11 to 19

Numbers from 11 to 19 in Portuguese follow a pattern. Here’s the trick:

  • Start with “dez” (ten) and add “esse” (eleven), “doze” (twelve), and so on.
  • For example, 11 is “onze” (dez + esse) and 13 is “treze” (dez + treze).

Reaching New Heights: Numbers 20 and Beyond

Counting from 20 onwards, things get interesting! Here’s a breakdown:

  • Numbers from 20 to 90 are fraternities sororities business email list formed by combining “vinte” (twenty), “trinta” (thirty), etc., with the ones digit (similar to English).
  • For example, 21 is “vinte e um” (twenty and one) and 57 is “cinquenta e sete” (fifty and seven).
  • Numbers ending in hundred (“cem”) follow a similar pattern. For example, 100 is “cem” and 200 is “duzentos.”

Mastery in Minutes: Essential Tips for Portuguese Numbers

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  • Pronunciation: Portuguese pronunciation can be tricky. Utilize online resources like Forvo to hear native speakers pronounce the numbers.
  • Gender Agreement: Remember, some numbers change depending on the gender of the noun they modify (e.g., “um livro” – one book, “uma mesa” – one table).
  • Ordinal Numbers: Don’t forget ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd)! These follow a similar structure to cardinal numbers with some variations.

Beyond the Basics: Putting Numbers to Work

Now that you’ve grasped the fundamentals, let’s explore how to use numbers in practical situations:

  • Asking for Prices: “Quanto custa isso?” (How much does this cost?)
  • Giving Your Phone Number: “Meu número de telefone é…” (My phone number is…)
  • Telling Time: Telling time in Portuguese requires understanding numbers and specific phrases like “meia” (half) and “horas” (hours).

Unlocking a World of Opportunities

By conquering LinkedIn itself isn’t exactly a “lead generator” numbers in Portuguese, you’ll open doors to deeper communication and cultural understanding. Remember, practice is key! Start by incorporating numbers into your daily life, whether counting groceries or listening to Portuguese music.

Parabéns (Congratulations)! With dedication and this guide as your compass, you’ll be navigating the world of Portuguese numbers like a pro in no time.

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